

Woodco Gold

WOODCO Gold Plywood is bonded with synthetic MUF resin which conform to BWR grade IS 303:89 & made from high quality imported popular wood core & Red core. Gold plywood is fully weather proof, and is preservative treated for termite, borer and fungus resistance. The plywood is dimensionally stable, making it ideal for high quality furniture, partitions, panelling, doors and window panels, kitchen partitions, table top and other laminated furniture.


  • Furniture partitions
  • Panelling
  • Cavity flooring
  • Hoardings
  • False ceilings
  • Exterior and some exterior applications


  • Resistant to boiling water, moisture, dry heat, termites, insects and pests
  • Suitable in all weather conditions
Sr.No Test IS:303 Requirement WOODCO Results
1 Moisture Content 5% - 15% 8.0%
2 Glue Adhesion Test Three test specimens of size 250mm x 100mm shall be prepared and submerged in Boiling water for Eight Hours and then Dryed for Sixteen Hours at a temperature of 65 +/- 2 Centigrade followed by Two more cycles and then tested as per IS:1734 (Part 5) 3 cycles carried out. No delamination observed. Excellent Bonding.
3 Modulus of Elasticity Across the Grains - Average 2500 N/mm2 2870 N/mm2